Quick Details
- Walk at your own pace
- Take breaks
- Approximately 1.4 miles
- Solve clue at each location
- Clues on phone via purchaser’s email address
- Work as a team or compete with others in your group
- Great for families, dates, friend outings, group gatherings, office or corporate team building, or solo activity
- Discover city highlights, surprising stories, fun history, landmarks, hidden gems, and unique places.
All Ages!
$ 20
Fun for All Ages!
From Captain Kidd to present day, this fun for all ages Cape May Treasure Scavenger Hunt game walks you through over 400 years of surprising stories, entertaining history, fun facts, historic landmarks and hidden gems of Cape May’s downtown area as you solve the location of your tasty treasure. Work as a team or compete separately. Hunt at your own pace. Fun for families, couples, groups, team building, or as a solo activity.
How it Works
Clues on phone via email provided by purchaser that will guide you to interesting and scenic parts of the city. At each of these, you will solve a clue, discover fun facts, surprising stories, entertaining history.
Keep a record of these very short clue answers to solve the location of your tasty treasure.
Clues require no special knowledge and come with hints.
Spoiler provided.